5mpresolutionvs 1080p

Topics: Technical - Simplified, Your Challenge, Our Solution

5MP vs 2Kresolution

Many factors can impact the video that is viewed and recorded, however when all things are equal, what a security professional expects to capture for review following an incident varies across camera resolutions. Selection of the perfect resolution for your application depends on several factors:

The details captured by security cameras varies widely from standard definition 4CIF through ultra-high resolution 4K cameras.


5 megapixel cameraquality

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Our team set up series of cameras: 720p, 1080p, 5 megapixel, 4K (8MP equivalent), and two panoramic 12 megapixel cameras, to see what differences can be expected by owners and end users of video surveillance systems. Nick, Tom, and Matt give us an inside look at security camera resolution comparisons in this video.