360 Engineering

WEEK 2: linear models of physical systems, converting o.d.e.'s to transfer functions, block diagram manipulations. Chapter 3 (3.1-3.2)

360 Engineeringbrisbane

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Linear feedback control systems, their physical behavior, dynamical analysis, and stability. Laplace transform, frequency spectrum, and root locus methods. System design and compensation using PID and lead-lag controllers. Digital implementations of analog controllers.

LABORATORY PROJECTS: seven lab sessions introduce students to control system simulation as well as the real-time control of an electro-mechanical system.


COURSE GOALS: Students learn how the use of feedback can significantly alter the dynamic behavior of a system. They learn how to design feedback systems to meet a set of performance criteria. In the laboratory projects, they gain experience in designing controllers for a real physical system.

WEEK 1: anatomy of a feedback system (plant, controller, sensors, actuators, command and reference inputs, noise and disturbance inputs), advantages of feedback (sensitivity reduction, disturbance rejection, stabilization, performance improvement) linear models of physical systems. Chapter 1

WEEK 8: Nyquist stability criterion, Bode plots, gain/phase margins, bandwidth, crossover frequency, minimum-phase systems and Bode's gain/phase relationship. Chapter 6

Global Specengineering 360

WEEK 3: stability and the final value theorem, steady-state analysis, tracking error reduction via proportional control, step response of first- and second-order systems (time constant, natural and damped frequency, damping ratio). Chapter 3 (3.3)

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WEEK 9: frequency domain controller design methods (proportional and lead/lag controllers), sensitivity/complementary sensitivity. Chapter 6 (6.7)

Engineering 360usu

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REQUIRED TEXTS: Franklin , Powell, and Emami-Naeini, Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems , Prentice Hall, 5th edition (2006)

WEEK 10: digital implementations of analog controllers (impulse/step/ramp invariant approximations, Tustin /bilinear approximations, matched pole-zero approximations). Chapter 8 (8.3)