YSNEPPU32010A - 320W 4 pair GigE PoE injector with full set of indestructible protections. No more hassle with blown fuses. Built-in comprehensive protection features are designed to provide safe and smooth usage experience. Even in case of wrong wiring or short circuit injector remains fully functional after working conditions are met again.



Practicals are cool. You get the light and you don't really have to worry about "hiding it." However, there's this also really SUPER COOL (/s) effect that you get from a practical right next to a wall where light bulb just draws the shape of whatever is around it. (Example)

Practicallightingvs motivatedlighting


Add a general light that matches the light in the practical...which I'm not sure I fully understand how or why that works.

Personally speaking, after seeing how a good cinematographer uses their practical(s) while avoiding these highlights on the wall or even the lamp clipping in comparation to the rest of the image, I can't but help to aim towards that standard. Thoughts? Tips?
