LEDlightintensitymeasurement unit

Though there are some differences between the products in our catalog, we can confirm that the majority of our LED Strip Lights provide 450 lumens per foot.



LEDmeasurement device

Our LED strip lights have irradiance values of approximately 2500 lux at 12 inches away. This can be approximated to 45 umol/s/m2 according to our calculator.


LEDmcd comparison

Each PHLOX® Backlight is provided with: - Certificate of uniformity and luminance - Seal of quality on the back - 24 months warranty


PHLOX® introduces an upgraded version of its Tunnel light, a well known illumination system for cylindrical and/or reflective object with a 100% gain of luminance and better uniformity. This new design allows us to provide a shorter delivery time for custom sizes (4 weeks vs 5 weeks).

​The irradiance values of LED products are dependent on the distance away from the light source, so before making any comparisons, we would recommend ensuring a common baseline for distance values.

I was wondering, given that units seem to vary among competitors, if you can tell me how this compares to 2 different products that have the following intensities: 1.65 x 10 photons/sec/cm3 and 352mW/cm2.

If the specific photometric report measurements are useful, you may be interested in our reports page which houses the available test reports for the products in our catalog.