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Any desktop application can be automated. Use the Macro Recorder, Macro Editor, Code Wizards, Screen Object Recognition and more to automate anything you see on your screen.Read more...
Use the macro recorder, code builders and wizards to automate Windows in minutes. You also get a full featured macro editor with debugger, code completion and syntax prompting, so making modifications is a snap. Read more...
This has to be by far the best software I have ever purchased in my life. I recouped my investment within the first 10 minutes... Thanks MJTNet!
Microsoft came in and said there was no way to automate a particular problem. I downloaded Macro Scheduler and had a working fix in one day!
Thank you for the great service for your great product. I tried for years since Automate to get a reliable and capable macro program. Finally, you offer it! Thank you.
Macro Scheduler's WebRecorder builds code as you navigate a site. Use the built in IE, Chrome & Edge functions and IE Object Wizard to easily add code that connects to the underlying HTML elements.Read more...
We are here to help you with free email based support and our popular forums. Or let us automate your processes for you. We are the experts. We've been automating user interfaces since 1997! Read more...
Macro Scheduler image recognition just saved me 6 hours of mind numbing work and my program only took me about 15 minutes to write!
Reliable Windows GUI automation for any software or business process. Improve efficiency, remove repetition & reduce costs. Automating Fortune 100 Companies Since 1997 Royalty free .exe distribution included with Pro version. Download Now Buy Now Learn more »