For information on using dark themes in web-based content, see Darken web content in WebView. For an example of dark theme applied to a WebView, see the WebView demo on GitHub .

For launcher widgets, or if your app uses custom notification content views, test the content on both the light and dark themes.

An app can handle the implementation of dark theme by declaring that each Activity can handle the uiMode configuration change:


Apps must opt in to Force Dark by setting android:forceDarkAllowed="true" in the activity's theme. This attribute is set on all of the system- and AndroidX-provided light themes, such as Theme.Material.Light. When you use Force Dark, test your app thoroughly and exclude views as needed.

Blocks 3D infrared facial mapping during day/night and traditional 2D facial recognition on cameras using infrared for illumination.

Dark featurespale skin

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Use the system-provided notification templates, such as MessagingStyle. This means the system is responsible for applying the correct view styling.

Dark featuresurban dictionary

IR-light and IR-dark lenses are made with specially formulated optical filters that absorb the near infrared spectrum which is critical for 3D facial mapping (e.g. iPhone X Face ID), eye tracking, and illumination on average infrared security cameras. Any device using infrared in the forms of laser or lamp will not be able to obtain the necessary eye biometrics for facial recognition or iris tracking. IR-lenses shield infrared radiation from your eyes and maintain your privacy.

Force Dark can be controlled on specific views with the android:forceDarkAllowed layout attribute or with setForceDarkAllowed().

On API level 31 and above, use UiModeManager#setApplicationNightMode to let the system know what theme your app runs. This lets the system match the theme during the splash screen.

Force Dark analyzes each view of your light-themed app and applies a dark theme automatically before it is drawn to the screen. You can use a mix of Force Dark and native implementation to cut down on the time needed to implement dark theme.

For UI surfaces that you display on the device but don't directly control, make sure that any views you use reflect the host app’s theme. Two examples are notifications and launcher widgets.

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Try the Compose way Jetpack Compose is the recommended UI toolkit for Android. Learn how to work with theming in Compose. Color Scheme - Material Design 3 →

Blocks 3D infrared facial mapping during day/night and traditional 2D facial recognition on cameras using infrared for illumination.

We recommend using Material Design Components, since its color theming system, such as the theme attributes ?attr/colorSurface and ?attr/colorOnSurface, provides easy access to suitable colors. You can customize these attributes in your theme.

IR-Lenses also filter out the ultraviolet and visible blue light spectrums allowing your vision to be more bright, crisp and clear. You will have more perception of depth and you will notice a reduction in the effects of smoke, haze and fog. IR-Lenses do the same thing as the BluBlockers of the 90's, but they also block the near infrared spectrum. Yes, they block all those garbage rays emanating from all the devices. Since infrared is perceived as heat, IR-lenses will keep your eyes cool and reduce squinting.

Dark featuresface meaning

Avoid using hardcoded colors or icons intended for use under a light theme. Use theme attributes or night-qualified resources instead.

In some cases, you might want an app to handle the configuration change. For example, you might want to delay a configuration change because a video is playing.

This ties the app's main theme to the system-controlled night mode flags and gives the app a default dark theme when it is enabled.

Dark featuresmeaning

For instructions on applying a dark theme to web-based content using a WebView component, see Darken web content in WebView.

Android 10 provides Force Dark, a feature for developers to quickly implement a dark theme without explicitly setting a DayNight theme.

On left side is an IR-lens and on the right is a regular sunglasses lens. When infrared is used, the IR-lens turns black while the regular sunglasses lens becomes clear.


What aredark featureson a guy

When an Activity declares that it handles configuration changes, its onConfigurationChanged() method is called when there is a theme change.

When the app’s theme changes, either through the system setting or AppCompat, it triggers a uiMode configuration change. This means activities are automatically recreated.

If your app uses a dark theme, such as Theme.Material), Force Dark isn't applied. Similarly, if your app's theme inherits from a DayNight theme, Force Dark isn't applied due to the automatic theme switching.


Comparable to the darkest sunglasses you have ever worn, while still providing a vivid yellow/green viewing environment.

Remove any hardcoded colors such as background colors set programmatically to white. Use the ?android:attr/colorBackground theme attribute instead.