New 2-channel LED Strobe controller! This is one to get – it made our engineers sick and gave them headaches while it was being developed! Use 120-volt dimmable LEDs* to create numerous strobe effects! Effects include: 1) Conventional strobe, 2) Alternating strobe, 3) Random strobe, 4) Burst mode (emergency flasher), 5) Alternating burst mode, 6) Flash (equal on and off time) and 7) Enhanced flash (alternating channels with delay). Works particularly well with our A19 LED lights. Use up to 15 of our 100-watt-equivalent A21 LEDs on each channel, flashing the equivalent of 3,000 incandescent watts! Ships with two bulbs.

LED Strobe ControllerModule

This is one to get – it made our engineers sick and gave them headaches while it was being developed! Use 120-volt dimmable LEDs* to create numerous strobe effects!

Abbiamo integrato nelle automazioni innovativi sistemi di controllo e di ispezione per applicazioni industriali, basati sulla tecnologia della visione artificiale. Il controllo effettuato da telecamere, adeguatamente selezionate secondo l'oggetto da rilevare, è in grado di stabilire se vengono soddisfatti i criteri produttivi.Con i sistemi di visione artificiale, realizziamo integrazioni di guida robot nelle quali il sistema fornisce le coordinate di movimento per la lavorazione e manipolazione dei pezzi.

*Lights Alive controllers are compatible with many off-the-shelf LEDs, but they must be instant on (no delayed or soft start) and they must instantly turn off. They should be fully dimmable and designed for rapid on/off cycles. Lights Alive sells LEDs that have been tested for proper performance with our products.